Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Project #5 Video Cover

I chose to work with Jon Krocker's 38 Jansky Units (1982) because I enjoyed the soundtrack of the video. The video also made me laugh because of its simplicity and weirdness. I recently wrote an essay on narcotics and hallucinogens, so when I saw this video I thought I could recreate the concept about someone "tripping" on a drug whether it be ecstasy or acid. Dr. Timothy Leery talks a lot about LSD and other hallucinogens expanding ones mind and universe, so the popcorn represents his mind expanding after taking the drug. He is wearing a mask because when you take these mind altering drugs, its is said that you loose your identity. There are not many visual effects in the video (like flashing lights etc.) because I wanted to convey how the drugs only effect the mind of the person who is taking them, therefore, everything around him is absolutely normal.