Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1840's GIF Party Project 1

Paul and Apollos by Sir Edward Poynter
I wanted to used the video track editing instead of frame by frame because I wanted to become more familiar with it. Truthfully it took me a lot of time to find my way around photoshop but now I'm am beginning to feel comfortable with the program.The GIF is not anything spectacular but I think it tells a cute little story of how these half-naked men use magical water to make a tree grow. I hope someone likes it because I had an interesting time creating it. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Story Boards

Story Board #1
For Paul and Apollos, I decided to make the water change colors and sparkle. Then I had the water stop and the frame start to shake. Shortly after a huge animated tree pops up. This will change this boring picture into something that sparks interest. 
Story Board #2
For The Doubt: Can These Dry Bones Live?, I wanted to have a ghost appear and gradually come out the grave. Once he fully appears, he begins to wave his hand, as to say "hello". After that he will shortly disappear from the frame. This was suppose to make this sad painting into a funny picture.

Story Board #3
For Harmony in Grey and Green, I wanted to try something simple. I chose to mainly playing around with the background and shades in the painting. I also thought it would be creative to have the flowers continuously drop in the background.